Our Values

Imagine a world where :

  • purposeful, responsible, "positive-impact" organisations prosper,
  • resilient and agile organisations are designed so that they swiftly adapt to more and more frequent and dramatic changes,
  • collectives continuously improve their solutions and the way they work,
  • where people express their full potential and actively contribute thanks to mindful, respectful, cooperative and fair working and management practices
  •  where any kind of "waste", "issue" is transformed into sustainable opportunity, solution through systemic ways

That's Metamorphosis' vision graved into tailor made interventions

adapted to each organisation, its context and the challenges in front of

them, whether the organisation belongs to the business, public or third / non-profit sector.

The approach of Metamorphosis is centered on People and Sustainability.


Indeed, any organisation, project, initiative will last if it relies on the 9 cornerstones :

  • raison d’être, meaning and vision
  • empowerment, involvement and autonomy
  • creativity, experimenting and entrepreneurship
  • global approach of performance, continuous improvement and agility
  • cooperation, sharing and networks
  • co-design, co-design et co-decision (collective intelligence)
  • respect, openness and diversity
  • listening, feedback and challenge
  • transparency, communication et ethics

These cornestones are an integral part of Metamorphosis' interventions.


"Ubuntu is the essence of being human. It speaks particularly about the fact that you can’t exist as a human being in isolation. It speaks about our interconnectedness. A person with Ubuntu is known for his welcoming, hospitability, warmness and generosity, willingness to share. He's convinced that when you do well, it spreads out.

Such people are open and available to others, willing to be vulnerable, affirming of others, do not feel threatened that others are able and good, for they have a proper self-assurance that comes from knowing that they belong in a greater whole.

They know that they are diminished when others are humiliated, diminished when others are oppressed, diminished when others are treated as if they were less than who they are.

The quality of Ubuntu gives people resilience, enabling them to survive and emerge still human despite all efforts to dehumanize them."

Desmond Tutu